Saturday, March 14, 2009

Across Paraguay Pennisula...

Paraguay Pennisula is mainly desert-like. There are strong winds that constantly blow ("vienta" is the name for wind). The cacti are huge! I've never seen so many in my life. I took a picture showing some of the cacti along the road. The mountaneous photo is of "Santa Ana" which is a volcano that sits in the center of the penninsula. The ground is more fertile as one travels inland towards Santa Ana. The picture shows how green everything is and there is lots more vegetation and different types of trees. There is a certain shade tree that has a flat top if you see it in a picture. It looks a little similar to an olive tree. It is called a "cuji". The cuji and goats are both a very common site while driving across the Paraguay pennisula. The goats in the picture were seen many places along the road. This shot was taken while driving through Buena Vista.

Buena Vista is the oldest town on the penninsula. The name means "good view". There is a photo of an old Catholic Church - one of the oldest in the area. The other town is "Pueblo Nuevo" which means "new town". The town is actually fairly old as well, but it's newer than some of the others! We drove out this way to check out a place for doing baptisms. The church here is doing it's first baptism service and it's going to be a big event; they are inviting their partner churches to come as well. We looked at a very nice place with a pool that was out in the country.

Then, we went to the beach to check out a place there... coming up next...

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