Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Time Away...

I've been in Wisconsin for the last few weeks with a full schedule! I've attended another class in Minneapolis - this time a boot camp for support raising. That was a great class and loaded with info. It's perfect for the phase that I'm in right now. I need to raise 100% support to be able to go into long-term missions. I appreciate your prayers for this as it is a step of faith and trust that I really need to grow in! I've been visiting a few churches in WI and talking to individuals that God has put on my heart to talk to.

The message I've clearly received from the Lord as I've entered this next mission phase is "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..." (Romans 1:16). God has given me many opportunities to be bold in the last few weeks and He has put the right words in my mouth to share about the ministry He has called me to... and to His salvation that is needed among all people. I praise Him for the opportunities to share on the Crisis Response ministry fruit and His handiwork in my life. I've been reviewing Revelation and it blesses me to think of His power and authority for the present and the time to come!

I've been doing a lot of traveling back and forth. I've also been taking a few classes to renew my social work certification while I'm in the area. I took a class on "Guilt, Shame and the Four Sphere's of Self" and "Letting Go of Anger" - both of which gave me great info for my work in Louisiana with the emotional states of people.

I've had some time at my cabin and it has been a nice retreat this trip. I'm still working on the finishing touches (still tiling!) and have a feeling that there will always be work done there! I appreciate your prayers during this time of travel and ministry promotion. I look forward to returning back to Louisiana soon to jump back into the work there.

God's blessings to you,