Saturday, April 26, 2008

On the Road

Hi Everyone,

I've been traveling for the last few weeks. I'm currently in Wisconsin! Guess what? We got a little snow flurry this morning - wow, I miss the Louisiana temps!

I've worked for a few days in the TouchGlobal office on Crisis Response Ministry training materials. We are developing training to hopefully take to churches across the U.S. on how to develop a Crisis Response Ministry. I'm going to a Cross Cultural Church Planting School next week (as part of my long-term missionary training) and I'm really excited to attend that and find out more about the church planting process.

In Louisiana, it was recently determined to move towards church planting and we're taking steps in that direction. It's great to see the fruit of the ministry evolve to that stage!I'm planning on going back to Louisiana after the church planting school for a week, then I come back up north for another class. Since I've been accepted for long-term missionary service, I'll be visiting churches every chance I get. Please join me in praying for open doors for people to come along side of me in partnership - both in prayer and finances!

Thanks for your prayers and your interest in the ministry in Louisiana. Please keep the Crisis Response Ministry in your prayers as well - for God's provision and opportunities to share the gospel. We have lots of staff transitioning within the next month - leaving for the summer. Please pray that God sends more staff laborers.

Since I've been in WI, I've had an opportunity to work on my cabin out by Cataract. I've been blessed to have a few friends help with putting on finishing touches. I have become schooled in tiling and I actually tiled my own bathtub! Hallelujah, it turned out ok. There's still work to be done out there, but it's at a point where I can stay there when I'm in town. It's a nice retreat!

God's blessings to y'all,

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