Monday, May 25, 2009

Ministry continues after the Flood & Hurricanes are long gone...

I have been traveling quite a bit these past few months. When I'm back and forth, living out of a suitcase, I seem to lose track of free time to keep this site updated!

God continues to do exciting things in this ministry of Crisis Response. I was just updating my boss on the last few months progress. God has increased the fruit of this ministry. We are praying that He will continue to touch the lives of others... eternally.

A few things to keep in prayer -
- North Dakota is still cleaning up post flooding - teams are needed while there are still many sandbags and much clean up. Two churches want to use this as a time to outreach to the rural community.
- There is a rebuild ministry going on in Cedar Rapids. I spent several days there working towards further relational ministry development with a group of people. It was good to get to spend some time with the people impacted and pray/encourage them and the people who came out. Pray that this process continues.
- I spent a week in Galveston also working further on the development of the relational and followup ministry. It was great to see people getting excited about making contacts and encouraging/evangelizing in that process. Please pray this will continue to work out and there would be opportunities to start discipleship groups as a result.
- In Louisiana, a few discipleship groups have recently started and we are seeing people growing closer in fellowship and spiritual understanding as a result.
- For God to continue to send laborers - whether long-term or short-term, that the help would be abundant.
- The progress and completion of our Crisis Response Ministry center.
- For the health of our team.
- For continued development of promotional materials and strategies to mobilize people and finances to sustain our ministry.
- For people to know the saving grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ and to grow in that knowledge/mature in their faith.
- For protection during Hurricane season!

I had an opportunity to attend a Sabbath Rest retreat a few weeks ago. That was a great time of learning to take a weekly rest from everything (like God & Jesus instructed) and how to spend quality time with the Lord so He can do more through me. The 3 R's I learned to do weekly were: Release, Review, & Remember. Release things to God and remember what my part is and what His part is - not to take on His part! That means all struggles, anxieties, worries, emotions, etc. need to go back to Him. I need to Review what I can do, what I am supposed to do, what scripture tells me to do and work on aligning myself with that. I also need to Remember to spend time with God in a manner that worships Him and pleases Him - this could be singing, praying, walking, reading, writing, etc., but to draw near to Him. If I can practice this 3-4 hours each week, I will be refreshed. Please try these things yourself and pray for me that I can practice this way of having balance and more spiritual renewal!

I praise God for meeting brothers and sisters in Christ throughout my travels that are like-minded when it comes to our role as Christians to reach out and share the love of Christ. I also am thankful for the many different ways He has taken care of me through these people - housing, food, transportation, fellowship, prayer, support - PTL!!

Thanks for your prayers and love!!

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